(Mexico - Mexico City / 2007. 05. 28)




 (Photo from : ÀÌÇÏ´Ì ¹Ì´ÏȨ)




 (Photo from : ÀÌÇÏ´Ì ¹Ì´ÏȨ)





What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I love to learn foreign languages including English, ancient Hebrew, Chinese, and Japanese. Moreover, I enjoy dancing and traveling. I also play various musical instruments as well, including the Kayageum, which is a Korean traditional instrument, violin, piano, and flute.

What is your career ambition?
I have two goals. One is to become a cultural ambassador for Korea as a Kayageum-ist and professor of traditional Korean music. The other goal is to become a volunteering missionary in developing or undeveloped countries including North Korea.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I grew up in Seoul, Korea. Unlike other girls, I loved to go out and play all sorts of sports. When I was not at school studying or at practice hall playing the Kayageum, I usually went outside to ski, learn Taekwondo, or swim.

What do you want the judges to know about you?
I am eclectic. I am a 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo, a competitive skier and a scuba diver. I am a professional player of Kayageum and have released 4 CDs and played in more than 25 countries worldwide, including concerts at Carnegie Hall in New York City. I am already an ambassador of culture for Korea and was recently named a Kayageum prodigy by the Kumho Art Center, the most prestigious musical foundation in Korea. I am in graduate school at Seoul National University, the top university in Korea. When I graduated with my Bachelor's degree (also from Seoul National University), I received my honors degree from there. My volunteer work includes work for UNICEF, Compassion and World Vision (an NGO) and I sponsor a child. My future goals includes work with the U.N.


[Text from : Universe Official]




(Photo : Miss Universe L.P., LLLP)




(Photo : Miss Universe L.P., LLLP)




(Photo : Miss Universe L.P., LLLP)




(Photo : Miss Universe L.P., LLLP)




 (Photo from : Reuters)




(Photo : Miss Universe L.P., LLLP)




(Photo : Miss Universe L.P., LLLP)



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